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HasLab TBS 6-Inch Rancor Tier 3 And 4 Unlocks Revealed – Salacious B. Crumb And Luke Skywalker(Jedi Knight)

HasLab TBS 6-Inch Rancor Tier 3 And 4 Unlocks Revealed – Salacious B. Crumb And Luke Skywalker(Jedi Knight)

HasLab TBS 6-Inch Rancor Tier 3 And 4 Unlocks Revealed - Salacious B. Crumb And Luke Skywalker(Jedi Knight)

Hasbro has revealed what the HasLab The Black Series 6-Inch Tier 3 And 4 Unlocks will be.

  • Tier #3: 16,000 Backers Needed – Salacious B. Crumb
  • Tier #4: 19,000 Backers Needed – Luke Skywalker(Jedi Knight)

Even though Luke will be a 100% new figure from the ground up (per the Pulse Livestream), I am not to sure if these 2 figures will cause a preorder surge or not. Currently there is only 5,142 backers.

Also, If you want to see the Rancor prototype painted you can check out more photos at Hasbro Pulse.

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