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Walmart Lists New Exclusives In Stock While Preorders Remain Unfulfilled…

Walmart Lists New Exclusives In Stock While Preorders Remain Unfulfilled…

Walmart Lists New Exclusives In Stock While Preorders Remain Unfulfilled

Yesterday in the early AM, listed 3 of their Exclusives in stock and ready to ship. These products were their Exclusive The Black Series 6-Inch Scout Trooper (Holiday Edition), Purge Trooper (Phase II Armor), and 1-JAC figures. They were sold and shipped by Walmart.

I found it a bit odd, since my preorders for these 3 products have not even been fulfilled and shipped yet, but I thought I would give it a shot and see what happens, so I bought them and the orders went through, Walmart charged my Credit Card and the orders status changed to “Preparing”. Well today a day later those orders never got shipped and the status has changed to “delayed”.

Anyways Got To Love Walmart…

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