Stopped by my local Texas Walmart today and finally found their Excluisve The Black Series 6-Inch Pallet Display that has been showing up at local Walmart stores across the USA. A employee literally just wheeled it out while I was in the Toy Department. Unfortunately the Purge Trooper (Phase II Armor) figures were all gone, so I assume an employee grabbed them.
I asked the guy if there was any more product to be put on the Display, and he said he just filled it himself in the backroom with all the product they had and wheeled it out.
Also we have been getting reports of stores not having room for the Pallet Display, so they are just putting the products on the pegs in the Star Wars Section.
Is it just me or is there a lot of unused space on these Pallet Displays? It looks like they could have put more product, instead of just a few of each figure.
Happy Hunting!!!