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New Photos – Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Deluxe 22: Boba Fett (Tython) Jedi Ruins

New Photos – Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Deluxe 22: Boba Fett (Tython) Jedi Ruins

New Photos - Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Deluxe 22: Boba Fett (Tython) Jedi Ruins

Added to our Photo Gallery today is the Exclusive The Black Series 6-Inch Deluxe 22: Boba Fett (Tython) Jedi Ruins figure. This figure comes from the Disney+ The Mandalorian Series.

If this figure looks familiar its because its a repaint of The Black Series 6-Inch Deluxe 02: Boba Fett (Throne Room) figure from The Book of Boba Fett which was a Main Line Release. He includes  a Removable Helmet With Movable View Finder,  Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle and Removable Jet Pack

This figure is a Walmart Exclusive. Some preorders for this figure have already shipped from, while some have a expected arrival date of February. Currently it is sold out online.

Enjoy all the New Photos!!!

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