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Shipping From – Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Darth Vader (Duel’s End) & Commando Appo

Shipping From – Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Darth Vader (Duel’s End) & Commando Appo

Press Release - Target Exclusive TBS 6-Inch Darth Vader (Duel’s End) & Commando Appo has started to ship out preorders for their Exclusive The Black Series 6-Inch Darth Vader (Duel’s End) & Commando Appo figures. My orders just shipped out today.

If you preordered these be sure to check your orders status.

The official release date for these 2 figures is 10/1/23, so its nice to see these ship out earlier then expected. These should also start to show up at local stores as well.

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