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Hasbro Q&A – Why So Angry Padme, Where is Mundi, Deluxe Sidious, Updated Bly?

Hasbro Q&A – Why So Angry Padme, Where is Mundi, Deluxe Sidious, Updated Bly?

Q&A With Hasbro’s Star Wars Team 2/10/22 - Submit Questions About Next Weeks Livestream Reveals Or Previous News

We had a Q&A today with the Hasbro Star Wars Team (Chris & Jing). We were allowed to ask 5 questions in regards to previously announced products. We would like to thank Jing and Chris for taking the time out of their schedules to do these Q&A roundtables

Q1. We are glad to finally see new The Black Series 6-Inch figures from The Phantom Menace. But Fans had a concern with the prototype photos of Padme Amidala. She just looks angry. Is this her final look, or will / did things change when production started?

Answer: Hasbro –  Chris:
I actually have one sitting here on my desk with more of her final look. We were just shooting updated photos of her. The first one was a very early prototype, just to get some early reveal photos out there for you guys. The figure is now more subtle and really nails the likeness. I am super happy on how this ones turned out. We will have better photos of that for you guys. That was just the case of trying to get the info out there as fast as we could for you guys and sometimes that’s with early or in progress things.

Q2. Will The Fan Channel The Black Series 6-Inch Darth Sidious Pipeline reveal be just a single figure or Deluxe Set like the Amazon Exclusive Deluxe Emperor Palpatine and Throne? If it is a Deluxe Set can we expect an updated chair / throne and interchange heads?

Answer: Hasbro –  Chris:
Its just a single figure release for that particular one.

Q3. What ever happen to the Fan Channel Exclusive The Black Series Ki-Adi-Mundi figure? It was announced back on February 1, 2023 and preorders never took place. A couple of these figures ended up on auction sites already. When can we expect this figure to be available for sale?

Answer: Hasbro –  Jing:
Ya that one was a funny one. It was announced really early and it’s definitely still coming and sorry there was no preorder for that, but it’s actually tracking for later next year I guess. We are thinking it’s tracking more towards summer 2024. So at that point fans will start to see it, but ya its definitely coming I know fans were really excited about that, but hopefully everyone will be able to get those in hand pretty soon.

Q4. Will Hasbro give up on the oversized The Vintage Collection removable Helmets on Troopers, Mandalorians, and etc any time soon and just give us swappable Heads instead? The new Deluxe Sabine and upcoming Phase I Clone Trooper Helmets just look way to big.

Answer: Hasbro –  Chris:
No it’s not going to be one or the other. Both are viable options going forward. It’s a passionate discussion and everybody on both sides of the fence thinks their way is the perfect way. We don’t want to say one way is right and one way is wrong. We love both. They just have different play and poseibility and all those sorts of things. So we will continue to do both. Sometimes we will prioritize a removable helmet vs a swappable.

Answer: Hasbro –  Jing:
Its a really passionate discussion in the communities so I think definitely continue to let us know what the fans want to see, cause we definitely want to hear about it as well from you guys.

Q5. Will the re-released The Black Series 6-Inch 104 Clone Commander Bly figure that went up for sale via Fan Channels in November have the corrected brown center stripe on the lower part of his Helmet (Chin)? When this figure was originally released back in 2020, that paint application was missing. If not, why not fix it while you had the chance?

Answer: Hasbro –  Chris:
That figure is just a straight up re-release. It will be the same as the previous version without that detail. That was something the team missed years ago. We are aware of it. It didn’t feel like a meaningful update, but it was making that figure available again to people who did not get him the first time. Making that change and have people feeling like they had to buy a second version of that figure felt a little to close to the edge, so bringing him back out as he was felt like the right call there, but we will look at that for future stuff.

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