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Photo Gallery Update – Rebels & Saga Legends SL16 – SL23 Figures

Photo Gallery Update – Rebels & Saga Legends SL16 – SL23 Figures

Photo Gallery Update - Rebels & Saga Legends SL16 - SL23 Figures

Continuing to update our Rebels & Saga Legends Toy Line Photo Gallery, I have added the SL16 Plo Koon, SL17 Jedi Temple Guard, SL18 AT-AT Driver, SL22 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot), and SL23 Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) figures.

You may ask what happened to Figures SL19, SL20, and SL21? Hasbro decided not to produce any figures associated with those numbers and just skipped them. They were suppose to be SL19 Darth Maul, SL20 501st Legion Clone Trooper, and SL21 Mace Windu

These were all Main Line releases with a MSRP of $5.99 and released in 2015.

Photos includes Packaging, Loose, and Variations.

Enjoy the Photos!!!

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