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HasLab’s TVC Mos Eisley Cantina Gets 7000+ Backers

HasLab’s TVC Mos Eisley Cantina Gets 7000+ Backers

HasLab’s TVC Mos Eisley Cantina Gets 7000+ Backers

Checked the progress of HasLab’s The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina Set and it finally got over 7000 backers today. The actual count as of this post is 7,195. More then likely it will reach its goal of 8,000 to go into production, but not sure if this Project will get enough Backers to unlock the 3 bonus Tiers, which are 11,000 for Greedo, 14,000 for Nabrun Leeds, and 17,000 for Arleil Schous.

There is still about 5 days to go, so we will know soon. If you wish to back this Project head on over to Hasbro Pulse.

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