Lando Calrissian (in General’s Gear)

The Power Of The Force - Freeze Frame

Year Released: 1997

Retail Price: $4.99

Assortment: No. 69570 / No. 69756

Collection: 1

UPC: 0 76281 69756 7

Card #: 547101.00

Figure Includes:

Blaster Pistol
Removable Cape
Freeze Frame Action Slide


1st Release: Card Back #547101.00. Sealt-Marie spelling error on back of card.

2nd Release: Card Back #547101.01. Sealt-Marie spelling error on back of card corrected to Saelt-Marae.

1st Release: Sticker text “Lando Calrissian in General’s Gear with Heavy Rifle and Blaster Pistol”.

2nd Release: Sticker text “Lando Calrissian in General’s Gear with Blaster Pistol”.