The Vintage Collection – Action Figures – Basic

VC15: Clone Trooper

VC116: Rey (Jakku)

VC118: First Order Stormtrooper

VC119: Jyn Erso

VC120: Rebel Soldier (Hoth)

VC121: Supreme Leader Snoke

VC122: Rey (Island Journey) (Exclusive)

VC124: Han Solo

VC125: Enfys Nest

VC126: Imperial Assault Tank Driver

VC127: Imperial Death Trooper

VC130: Captain Cassian Andor

VC131: Luke Skywalker

VC135: Klaatu (Skiff Guard)

VC139: Lando Calrissian

VC143: Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (Exclusive)

VC145: 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper (Exclusive)

VC146: Luke Skywalker (Crait)

VC149: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)

VC151: Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) (Exclusive)

VC152: Vedain (Skiff Pilot) (Exclusive)

VC153: Vizam (Exclusive)

VC154: Brock Stasher (Skiff Pilot) (Exclusive)

VC155: Knight Of Ren

VC158: Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)

VC161: Jawa

VC164:Cara Dune

VC165: Remnant Stormtrooper

VC166: The Mandalorian

VC168: Clone Commander Wolffe

VC169: Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)

VC170: K-2SO

VC171: Stormtrooper (Exclusive)

VC172: ARC Trooper Fives

VC173: Hondo Ohnaka

VC174: Chirrut Îmwe

VC175: Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)

VC176: ARC Trooper Echo

VC177: Incinerator Trooper (Exclusive)

VC178: Darth Vader

VC179: The Armorer

VC180: Moff Gideon

VC181: The Mandalorian (Beskar)

VC182: Captain Rex

VC183: Rebel Fleet Trooper (Exclusive)

VC184: The Child

VC185: Greef Karga

VC187: Princess Leia (Bespin Escape)

VC188: ???

VC190: Paploo (Exclusive)

VC191: Princess Leia (Endor) (Exclusive)

VC192: AT-ST Driver (Exclusive)

VC193: Heavy Battle Droid (Exclusive)

VC194: Shadow Stormtrooper (Exclusive)

VC195: Electrostaff Purge Trooper (Exclusive)

VC196: Scout Trooper (Exclusive)

VC197: Death Star Droid (Exclusive)

VC198: Luke Skywalker (Endor) (Exclusive)

VC199: Tusken Raider (Exclusive)

VC200: The Emperor

VC201: Darth Maul (Mandalore)

VC202: Ahsoka Tano (Mandalore)

VC203: Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7)

VC204: Antoc Merrik (Exclusive)

VC205: Lando Calrissian

VC206: IG-11

VC207: Teebo

VC208: Clone Captain Rex (Exclusive)

VC209: Clone Captain Grey (Exclusive)

VC210: Clone Captain Ballast (Exclusive)

VC211: The Mandalorian and Grogu (Maldo Kreis) (Exclusive)

VC212: ARC Trooper (Exclusive)

VC213: ARC Trooper Captain (Exclusive)

VC216: Battle Droid (Exclusive)

VC218: Yoda

VC220: Imperial Death Trooper (Nevarro)

VC221: Fennec Shand

VC225: The Mythrol

VC226: Bo-Katan Kryze

VC227: Kuiil

VC228: Axe Woves (Exclusive)

VC229: Migs Mayfeld (Exclusive)

VC230: Koska Reeves (Exclusive)

VC234: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) (Exclusive)

VC235: ARC Trooper (Star Wars Battlefront II) (Exclusive)

VC236: ARC Trooper (Lambent Seeker) (Exclusive)

VC237: ARC Trooper (Umbra Operative) (Exclusive)

VC238: Lando Calrissian (Star Wars Battlefront II) (Exclusive)

VC240: Clone Trooper (501st Legion)

VC242: Reva (Third Sister)

VC244: Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)

VC245: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Wandering Jedi)

VC247: Mandalorian Death Watch Airborne Trooper

VC248: 332nd Ahsoka’s Clone Trooper

VC249: Figrin D’an

VC250: ARC Trooper Jesse

VC253: Heavy Assault Stormtrooper

VC254: Stormtrooper Commander

VC255: Riot Scout Trooper

VC256: KX Security Droid

VC257: Ben Kenobi (Tibidon Station)

VC258: Purge Trooper (Phase II Armor)

VC259: Teeka

VC260: R2-SHW

VC267: Cassian Andor (Aldhani Mission)

VC269: Clone Trooper (Phase II Armor)

VC271: …

VC272: Endor Rebel Commando (Scout Trooper Disguise) (Playset)

VC273: Scout Trooper (Vehicle)

VC274: ARC Commander Havoc (Exclusive)

VC276: ARC Commander Colt (Exclusive)

VC277: Boba Fett (Vintage Comic Art) (Exclusive)

VC278: Boba Fett (Comic Art) (Exclusive)

VC280: Darth Vader (Death Star II)

VC282: ARC Commander Blitz (Exclusive)

VC284: Moff Jerjerrod

VC285: Boba Fett (Tusken)

VC286: Tessek (Exclusive)

VC287: Taym Dren-garen (Exclusive)

VC288: Velken Tezeri (Exclusive)

VC289: Scout Trooper & Grogu (Exclusive)

VC290: ???

VC291: ???

VC292: The Mandalorian (N-1 Starfighter) (Exclusive)

VC293: Grand Inquisitor

VC294: ???

VC295: ???

VC297: Ahsoka Tano

VC300: General Hera Syndulla

VC302: Director Orson Krennic

VC303: R5-D4 (Mandalorian)

VC304: Chopper (C1-10P)

VC305: HK-47 (Galaxy of Heroes Set)

VC306: Darth Revan (Galaxy of Heroes Set)

VC308: Finn

VC309: Phase I Clone Trooper (Attack of the Clones)

VC310: ???

VC311: Professor Huyang

VC312: The Mandalorian (Mines of Mandalore)

VC313: Grogu

VC314: Mandalorian Fleet Commander

VC315: Axe Woves (Privateer)

VC316: Princess Leia Organa

VC317: Clone Commander Rex (Bracca Mission)

VC319: Ezra Bridger (Hero of Lothal)

VC320: Cal Kestis (Imperial Officer Disguise)

VC321: Mandalorian Judge

VC322: R7-A7

VC323: CH-33P (Cheep)

VC324: RG-G1 (G-G)

VC325: ???

VC326: ???

VC327: Osha Aniseya

VC328: Mae (Assassin)

VC329: Jedi Master Sol

VC330: HK-87 Assassin Droid (Arcana)

VC331: ???

VC332: Sabine Wren (Rebels)

VC333: Chopper (C1-10P)

VC334: Darth Vader